
During my thesis work, I developed GlassViz, a visual text analytics tool for document discovery aimed at interdisciplinary visualization researchers. The work was presented as a short paper at the IEEE VIS 2020 conference.

Cross-domain Joint Visualization of Documents and Keywords

Also during my thesis, I implemented a visualization scheme that set the theoretical foundations of GlassViz.

Visualizing visualization for the digital humanities

I made several visualizations in Python (with Bokeh and Altair) for two of my papers: A Data-Driven Introduction to Readings, Authors, and Techniques in Visualization for the Digital Humanities and Pilaster: A Collection of Citation Metadata Extracted From Publications on Visualization for the Digital Humanities.

Interactive Dictionary

I built this interactive dashboard in D3.js and ElasticSearch in a collaboration with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities in the project exploreAT!. This was the result of Master's Thesis (in Spanish), for which I obtained the maximum grade (A with Hons.). A summary in English can be found in the chapter of the book "LingVis:Visual Analytics for Linguistics," edited by the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) of the University of Stanford.

Visual Analysis of Group Tactic Behavior

One of my first projects and visualization papers: a visual analytics prototype built along with sports scientists for analyzing tactic behavior in soccer matches.


BKViz is a visual analytics system for studying team chemistry and individual player performance in professional basketball games.

Food Pyramid Game

Not so much about visualization, but this was a participatory design experience of a game with girls from socially-vulnerable backgrounds in the context of the exploreAT! project.

Quantile Dotplot

I replicated Matthew Kay's R code for generating quantile dotplots in an interactive Observable notebook.


I made this visualization for exploring a corpus of lexicographic artifacts (questionnaires) along with experts at the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The work was presented at the 2018 Digital Humanities Conference in Mexico City.


A WIP visual analytics system based on my previous work in the field based for analysis of soccer games.

D3 tutorial (in Spanish)

I created a small intro to D3 in Observable for the course "Visualization & Visual Analytics" of the Master's in Intelligent Systems of the University of Salamanca.

Rural Schools in the Castilla y León region

A Voronoi Map showing influence areas of rural schools in Castilla y León

Overrepresentation in the Electoral System in Spain

A continous area cartogram showing overrepresentation in the electoral system in Spain

Topography of Concepts

Exploring Austria's Culture through the Language Glass

Visualization of TCD's 1641 Depositions Dataset

I made this simple Dashboard with's Dash

Inter-Concept Relationships in a Chord Diagram

Exploring lexicographic questionnaires and concepts in a chord diagram. Built in the context of the exploreAT! project.

Internal Migrations in Spain (2016)

A D3 block of a chord diagram showing internal migrations in Spain.