
Universidad de Salamanca

Informática I - 1st Course Grado en Estadística (BSc in Statistics)

  • This was my first teaching experience at university level.
  • The course consisted in an introduction to Python programming and computional thinking for 1st year students of the BSc in Statistics.
  • I prepared and imparted the course’s practical materials.
  • I conducted an evaluation of a methodology that I based on Jessica Hamricks’s nbgrader. Results were later presented at JENUI 2019. Link to paper (in Spanish).

Interacción Persona-Ordenador - 3rd Course Grado en Ingeniería Informática (BSc in Computer Engineering)

  • The course was an introduction to key HCI concepts such as evaluation, user-centered design, perception…
  • I imparted the course’s practical materials to ~130 students.
  • As a teaching assistant, I managed the programme Interfaces Imaginadas - El Camino de Ida y Vuelta entre la Ciencia y la Ficción (Imagined Interfaces - The Two-Way Trip between Science to Fiction) programme that year. This programme, created by Dr. Roberto Therón, invites students to reflect on interface design via an analysis of science fiction in TV and cinema.


Visualización y Analítica Visual - Máster en Sistemas Inteligentes (Master’s degree in Intelligent Systems).


Intro to Python - Master’s degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics.

  • I am currently imparting an introduction to Python programming and computational thinking aimed at biologists, neuroscientists, and biotechnologists.

Computational Tools for Bioinformatics - Master’s degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics.

  • This course aims to introduce biologists, neuroscientists, and biotechnologists to the Unix/Linux ecososystem and to command-line tools commonly employed in bioinformatics:
    1. Introduction to the UNIX and GNU/Linux family of operating systems.
    2. Remote information exchange.
    3. File system: paths, permissions, edition.
    4. Piping.
    5. Regular expressions with grep, sed, and awk.
    6. Shell scripting.